Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Don't Wanna Miss A Thing

The Aerosmith song "Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" is on repeat in my head this morning. I'm sure it was written for different purposes but it is so applicable to our life right now. Today is another court day and we should have a better understanding of how much time we have with our sweet boy. This day quickly approaches and has been looming over our heads for the past week. We always cherish our time with our boy but knowing it could be ending soon makes each moment that much sweeter. This morning instead of laying him down in his bed for nap time I decided to just hold him and snuggle. Instead of doing laundry this morning, I decided to stay right with him and play. Instead of washing bottles this morning, I decided to sit on the swing with him and sing songs.
Each night after reading our Bible stories we read our favorite book "Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You." I love this book and it is perfect for our situation. It starts by saying: "I wanted you more than you will ever know so I sent love to follow wherever you go." It ends by saying: "You are my angel, my darling, my star and my love will find you wherever you are."  I hope this sweet boy knows that we will love him no matter where he is and that we will never stop thinking about him and praying for him. The selfish side of me hopes my love will just have to go across the hall to his room and not far away but I know that may not be the case.
We know that God is in control and will continue to work in this situation. We pray today and every day that whatever is best for our sweet boy happens and we are given the peace we need.

 Sitting like my momma while we rock together.               Relaxing on the swing this morning.
I didn't want momma to lay me down either.

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