Sunday, January 17, 2016


As I look out the window at the snow falling I vividly remember sitting in the same place 2 years ago anxiously counting down the hours to pick you up from the hospital. Your Daddy and I were pacing around the house and had probably checked the hospital bag about 50 times by this time of the day. We were your typical first time parents. Clueless, scared, overjoyed, anxious, and beyond excited. Unlike most first time parents, we were not only getting a 4 day old baby, we were getting an angry family who had just had their baby taken away, social workers, tons of paperwork, home visits, and constant worry. We have all heard the saying "live each day like it is your last" and that is how we have lived for the past 2 years. We have lived every single day with the thought in our head that it could be our last day together as a family. We honestly had no clue what we were getting ourselves into and how long we would be blessed to have this sweet boy. I am so incredibly thankful that 2 years later I still see your toys scattered across the living room floor and I am able to sit here and listen to you talk and sing as you are supposed to be napping. We have said it over and over, we would go through it all a million times to get this sweet boy. The day that he is ours forever will be as great as the day we laid our eyes on him for the first time.
Happy Gotcha Day my sweet, sweet boy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Slow Down, Sweet Boy

It doesn't happen as often as it used to but tonight you let me rock you to sleep. I think you can sense when your Mommy needs that extra time to just hold you and soak up everything about you. As I held you tonight my arms seemed to remember that tiny baby snuggled up to me and not the big boy whose legs dangled over the side of the chair. Tonight I looked at your sweet hands that once just waved around but now push your trains from one end of the house to the other, throws your baseball, dunks your basketball, turns the pages of your books, and puts the pieces in your puzzle. I looked at your chubby little legs that used to flail with excitement but now allow you to run all over, climb on everything, and help you jump. I looked into your big brown eyes that haven't changed a bit. They are still full of excitement, wonder, and love. Tonight, I rocked you to sleep for the last time as a one year old. Tomorrow, you will turn 2 years old and we will have even more adventures and more memories to create. Two years have gone by in the blink of an eye and I wish I could freeze time. You make your Mommy laugh hysterically every day, you make your Mommy so proud, and you make your Mommy's heart absolutely melt. Mommy tells you every day but you are absolutely perfect. I thank God every single night that he chose me to be your Mommy. Happy Birthday my Sweet Boy!
Opening presents at his birthday party.

First time ever playing in the snow! He absolutely loved it!
Baking with Mommy and Daddy on our snow day.