We are new at a lot of things right now. New at blogging, new at marriage, new at becoming parents, and new to the world of foster care. We just finished week 5 of foster care classes, only 4 more to go!
We have been married for a little over 10 months and had always thought we would have kids when we had been married for about 2 years. God laid fostering on my heart and made sure I knew it was something I was meant to do. I spent a lot of time in prayer and asked a lot of questions. While driving one day, I told Tyler that I wanted to foster. He was obviously caught off guard but he is used to me just saying things out of the blue. He said he wasn't opposed but didn't feel like it was the right time. I appreciated his honesty and respected his feelings. We began to see signs every where we drove saying"Foster Parents Needed." God was continuing to show me that he had a bigger plan for us and I knew he was working on Tyler's heart. We had always discussed adoption but we didn't know when the right time would be. We attend church weekly and we opened the bulletin the following Sunday and there was an adoption workshop coming to our church! We laughed because we knew what God was up to. Tyler told me he had spent a lot of time praying and felt that he was ready to start attending foster classes. We contacted a family that had fostered and adopted children and we met with them to discuss some things. We registered for classes which were so conveniently going to be held approximately 5 miles from our house. Again, we had to laugh. This is the first time classes had been held in our county in quite some time, most were held at least 30 minutes away from us. God made it so easy for us to see his plan and to follow it!
We are trying our best to be obedient to God's plan to become as educated as we can be. Blogging is new for us but we are excited to share our story.
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