Wednesday, February 17, 2016

It Can Wait

Tonight, as I told you goodnight you wrapped your arms tightly around my neck and said, "I wanna rock, Mommy." I thought about the messy kitchen, the laundry that needed to be done, and the toys in the living room but walked to the rocking chair with you in my arms. You snuggled up close and tucked your legs under you like you did when you were itty bitty, you wrapped one arm around my neck, laid your head on my shoulder, and squeezed your other hand between us. My mind remembered a chunky baby boy who snuggled the same exact way but my arms were filled with a growing, squirmy toddler. It may take us a little longer to get comfortable in the rocking chair now but my sweet boy, I will rock you for as long as you want. As I held you tonight, I told myself it all could wait, the laundry would be there, the kitchen would be there, the toys would be there but you won't always want to be there. Rocking you to sleep used to be a daily occurrence and now it only happens once every few months. I know the amount of times will continue to decrease and the time in between will lengthen so when you tell me you want to rock, I will rock you my sweet boy.

Please continue to pray as we are still awaiting a TPR date. He is most definitely worth the wait but we are ready to be a permanent, forever family.